El Chupacabra Children’s Book

When creating “El Chupacabra” I realized making bilingual children books is my passion. Making multilingual literatures would be helpful for the next generation, and for myself, to read books that are in English and Spanish. This will allow us to meet more people, embrace new cultures, and have more opportunities.


To begin the development of my book I had to write out the story. The Chupacabra is a folklore about a mysterious creature. The focus was on the curious features the creature could potentially look like. This story was written then translated. The storyboarding process allowed a visual layout on how many pages were needed for the book.

  • Front Cover

    El Chupcabra is a mysterious creature, and that is what the book is about. Revealing only the eyes brings the curiosity of who the Chupacabra is.

  • Back Cover

    The back cover continues from the front cover, and shows the Chupacabra’s tail. Showing the tail insinuates that Chupacabra is a creature of some sorts.

El Chupacabra and the rest of the characters were created through Illustrator. Since this is a children’s book the characters were created in basic shapes. For instance, the character’s heads and the woman’s braids are circles. Meanwhile, the Chupacabra is the only character to not be used in basic shapes. This is to show that he is an eccentric creature. The pages were assembled through Indesign.


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